Nursing manager Hannah finds fulfilment in compassionate care at Carmel Vets

Hannah Fletcher brings over two decades of expertise and a passion for animal welfare to Carmel Vets. With a focus on fear-free practices and fostering a supportive team environment, the team strives to make a positive impact on both pets and their owners. Hannah shares how she's found the perfect work/life balance with Carmel Vets as a working parent.

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Can you tell me about yourself and how you came to work at the practice?

My journey in veterinary care began in 1998 when I became a qualified vet nurse. Over the years, I've delved deeper into the field, earning a diploma in Veterinary Dermatology, and gaining experience across various small animal practices and at a small animal hospital.

From starting at reception to eventually becoming a nurse manager, I've had a diverse career. Joining Carmel's was a natural step for me; I was looking for a role that had a work/life balance that suited me within a smaller practice, and I was able to find that within the IVC Evidensia network.

What motivates you to work in the veterinary industry?

Having been in the industry for over two decades, I find it incredibly rewarding. The passion people have for their pets is truly inspiring. It's this passion and the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of animals and their owners that keeps me motivated day in and day out.

Can you tell me more about the practice and the team, and what it’s like to work there?

We’re a friendly team, all dedicated to nurturing the growth and success of the practice. Transparency, support, and camaraderie are at the core of our work environment. Tracey, our exceptional practice manager, plays a pivotal role in fostering this positive atmosphere. We prioritise the well-being of our staff and we are committed to upholding a culture of civility through our own civility charter.

What kinds of cases do you see at the practice?

Primarily, we see small animals, with cats and dogs comprising the bulk of our patients, with the occasional rabbit! We joined with Carmel Veterinary Centre in 2020 and that has allowed us to expand our services. Notably, our focus on feline care has grown, and we’ve achieved ISFM cat-friendly status.

What are your favourite things about working at Carmel Vets?

We have a real passion for embracing change and innovation. We're committed to fear-free practices, ensuring all pets receive the most stress-free care possible. Maintaining a healthy work/life balance is crucial for us all, especially for me as a parent, and Carmel Vets supports that balance well.

What do you feel the practice has to offer that someone thinking of joining might not know about?

Despite our modest size, we're a powerhouse of expertise and dedication. With seasoned staff and an incredibly supportive practice manager like Tracey, we're capable of making a substantial impact, not just on our patients and clients, but also on our team members. Our ethos revolves around mutual care and support, recognising that nurturing our staff leads to better outcomes for everyone involved.

What do you enjoy about the local area?

Our location offers the best of both worlds: the vibrancy of a nearby city centre and the tranquillity of Bantock Park right on our doorstep. It's the perfect setting for a nice lunchtime walk!

What hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?

My beloved collie and two cats Betty and Flick occupy much of my free time! When I'm not out and about, I enjoy crafting candles and relaxing at home with my family.

What are you proudest of in your veterinary career so far?

Above all, I take pride in the person I've become throughout my veterinary journey. I strive to be the best leader possible and to treat others the way I want to be treated. Supporting and helping others is my passion, and I’m proud to have developed the skills and experience to do this.