Kernow Vet Group Scoop Bronze Health & Well-being Award

March 04, 2020

Kernow Vet Group are celebrating being the only vets in Cornwall to win a bronze Healthy Workplace award from Cornwall County Council for the health and well-being initiatives they put in place during 2019 for their staff.

Working within the veterinary industry can mean long hours and tough, life-or-death decisions which can have a profound impact on all staff. And, with suicide rates in the industry being 4 times that of the national average, the management at KVG recognises, as an employer, they have a responsibility to make sure the health and well-being of their staff is firmly on the agenda.

Practice Manager and Director, Renay Rickard said,

“The Healthy Workplace framework has enabled us to create strategies, accessing local support and resources, to work on improving the health and well-being of our employees. Being a part of IVC Evidensia has given us wider access to their well-being initiatives and training to help give us a multi-faceted approach.

She went on to say,

“This award showcases the progress the organisation has made and the criteria allows us to make ongoing improvements for the future.”

Kernow Veterinary Group intend to continue to contribute to the health and well-being of their employees by embedding what they have currently achieved, with input from staff to help develop future initiatives.
Some of the initiatives they have implemented so far include:

Mental Health First Aiders

The first port of call for members of staff who are struggling. Renay Rickard and Jade Trevenna (HR Co-ordinator for the group) are on hand for an informal chat and to signpost staff towards external support and organisations for help.​


HALT (Hungry-Angry-Lonely-Tired) Campaign

Each clinic has a weekly budget to be spent on fruit for staff to snack on while on duty. For the OOH staff, it’s not always possible for them to get out to a shop so, there are healthy snacks and soups for them to have during the night if they wish.

Health and Well-Being Champions

These are staff, on the ground, who keep up to date with local resources and support, ensuring their colleagues know what is available by keeping the Health and Well-Being board up to date. They keep up to date with national initiatives like the National Sleep Week. All staff receive a copy of the group newsletter, The Weekly Waffle, which has news on all of the health and well-being initiatives the group are running.

Social Fund

The social fund has been going for about 3 years at the group. It’s a pot of money allocated to each member of staff to use for a social occasion with at least one colleague. This could be a meal out, a spa day, horse riding sessions. The horse riding has been very popular! The closed Facebook group is also used for colleagues to arrange time together away from work. This could be a few drinks at the pub or a dog walk with coffee and cake.


Jade Trevenna, HR Co-ordinator for the group said,

“With the workplace being a setting where many people spend the largest proportion of their time, working with the team at Kernow Veterinary Group is like working with family. We are a close team who look out for one another both on a professional and personal level. It is important that we continue to embed wellness and initiatives, creating a happy and healthy workplace culture.”

Staff are finding the health and well-being initiatives are really helping them to cope with very busy working lives. Judith Smith, Support Staff Team Lead said,

“The initiatives that are in place are greatly received. It encourages staff to think about their physical and mental well-being and make wiser and healthier choices in their day to day lives.”